woensdag 27 mei 2015

Nadya 178

"This is even better, Nadya, with the wind in your hair. It's perfect imperfection"

"You said that before. It sounds contradictory but it isn't"

"Strong glasses are all about perfect imperfection. Opticians and glasses brands have not discovered that yet"

"You mean the photos in the windows of optician's shops?"

"Yes. The models are great and the photographers are professionals in their field. But something essential is lacking. It's just as if they are only trying to sell half the product they are advertising"

"Perhaps they prefer to sell dreams to their customers. All the beauty industry is about that, or at least parts of the industry"

"Ah, of course you are a well aware of that, after all the years of modelling"

"Apparently you don't have the ambition to show the optic branch that they should go for a different approach. Is that right?"

"Yes and no. Perhaps I will, some day. It would be food for a nice discussion if they would open their eyes. Selling dreams is not my thing. I'd prefer to show a reality that is more beautiful than dreams"

"Well, if you decide to go for that discussion one day, I may volunteer to join you in my role as an ambassador"

"It would be my privilege and honor, Nadya"

"Forgive me for saying this but in a way, you are selling dreams as well"

"Punch on the nose but accepted. You mean our talk when we went for that short walk. The only difference is that I'm not selling anything to you"

"Not literally, no. What you are doing is subtle and it has a similar effect"


"No, I would not call it that way. That would be harsh and ungrateful. But there is an element of addiction in those magic glasses of yours. See what happened to me during the process. You tickled my curiosity, even though I always avoided to buy myself a pair of glasses. And within a few hours, I felt tempted to become a lady in strong glasses"

"You still can do that if you practice the little trick I mentioned during our walk"

"I will consider that. But somehow I doubt if it would give me the same feeling of protection. There is a fake element in that trick. In a way, you are an illusionist, Lord Lentilux"

"Shall we stop here or would you like to try the final pair of glasses/"

"No, please don't get me wrong. I enjoyed our experiment. Still do, in fact. I feel no disappointment but yes, I have mixed feelings. You see, I would like this thing to last forever. But that is impossible once you are gone"

"Well, I am not disappearing from this planet and we can keep in touch. Next pair?"

"Next pair"

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