donderdag 21 mei 2015

Nadya 098

"Good question, Nadya. You could do the test and walk to the far end of the bar with these glasses on. But I bet you would feel a bit insecure because everything is so tiny and far away. And that is what other people would notice. Being attractive is not a matter of strong glasses or no glasses, it's a state of mind. Let me put it like this. If you'd keep these glasses on for a long time, say for a walk along the Marina, you would get used to the proportions of what you are seeing. And if you would feel self assured about your looks in strong glasses, you would get nothing but praise from other people. That's how it works"

"Being attractive is a state of mind. I really like that phrase. And you are absolutely right. Well, I assume that you know a thing or two about women. Sometimes I think women are funny creatures, with all their insecurity about their looks"

"And the strange thing is that the most beautiful women are often more insecure than others"

"Can we talk a bit more about this before my friend and your lady arrive? I would like to try a few more glasses first and then sit down for a good talk. You sound like a knowledgeable man and I may need some advice"

"Good idea, Nadya. We will do as you suggest"

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