maandag 25 mei 2015

Nadya 112

"You are a charmer, Mr. Photographer. But your observation is right. I feel confident in these glasses. Really at home in them. I just realize that it would be tough to choose between all these strong magic glasses"

"Well, once your ambition about the harbor is fulfilled, you could buy yourself a giant collection of glasses. Wearing a new pair every day or even switch pairs several times a day, depending on the function required"

The young lady laughed and said

"You are teasing me, Mr. Photographer. Chicken and egg...."

"And the luxury of eternal doubt"

"I suppose that will never change, whether my goals are achieved or not. But I just realize that I could compare the effect of your glasses by changing the rest of my outfit. I did some shopping this morning. Is it alright with you if I withdraw myself for a moment?"

"Sure. Be my guest"

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