dinsdag 26 mei 2015

Nadya 135

"Thank you for the sweet compliment, Lord Lentilux, and for the appreciative look in your eyes as well"

"It's really amazing, Nadya. You look stunning and yet so perfectly natural" (SNAP)

"Can you tell me in your own words why you like this combination between outfit and glasses better?"

"Ah, that's easy. There is more power in your outfit, more balance with the power of the lenses"

"That's exactly what I was expecting. Shall we switch to the next pair? It would not be polite towards our partners to proceed much longer, or?"

"I have the impression they are in a lively talk so they will be alright for a while"

"You mentioned glasses with much stronger glasses. Can I try that pair?"

"Of course you can. But be prepared for a longer time needed for adjustment. They are so called myodisc glasses and the lenses are minus twenty"

"That sounds pretty extreme. But let's give them a go"

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