donderdag 3 november 2016

Clare 042

Glasses: Algha
[L: -3.00; c-3.00 o / R: -7.00; c-1.50 o]

Nowadays a part of Savile Row, Algha has enjoyed a good reputation for their hand made glasses since pre-war times. Most of their glasses have a timeless quality about them so I'm not even trying to guess at the age of this pair. More important than their age is the fact that they are an eccelent match with Clare's face. Not to be outdone, Clare is treating us with an excellent informal pose, just as if we are in the middle of a nice chat. The natural, credible eye contact is all the more remarkable as the Rx of the lenses is way off. The lens for the left eye is far too weak and it has a strong cylinder whereas the other lens is way too strong. But Clare was not bothered by anything during her extended photo shoot. We got along great and the element of fun was never far away. A real gem!

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