dinsdag 1 maart 2016

Sonia 057

Here Sonia is turning her head towards our next destination, Place de la Concorde. Like the vast majority of my always expanding contemporary collection, these glasses are fitted with lenses of -8.00. Minus eight is quite a photogenic prescription. Slightly higher than what is generally seen in the streets but still far from extreme. My photography project is not just about frames, it's also about lenses. After all, it's the lenses that put life into the frames and into the eyes of the wearers. Even in my school days, it struck me as odd that advertisements by brands invariably showed models in glasses with plano lenses or even worse, models posing in empty frames. This axiom has never changed and I often wondered about the logic behind it. The most likely explanation is the quest for perfection in every product associated with fashion, beauty and so on. Sonia is paying a lot of attention to beauty products in her own weblog and it would be interesting to hear her opinion on the matter. Unfortunately, I clean forgot to raise the subject during our walk towards the Eiffel Tower. Far too busy concentrating on my role as a photographer....  

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