dinsdag 1 maart 2016

Sonia 026

Just like Sonia, the first owner of these elegant glasses by Von Fürstenberg was a lady blessed with an excellent taste for glasses. About twelve years ago, I spent a week in the Wilder Kaiser, a well known area for mountain climbers. Vertical limestone walls, many of them over 2500 feet high from bottom to top. It was my intention to climb some of these magnificent mountains but alas, weather conditions were appalling. The walls were soaked by the constant rainfall and even the hiking trails were slippery. So instead of staying in Kufstein, I took several day trips to Bavaria and made some nice discoveries for my glasses collection. One of the best finds was a box containing five pairs of magnificent glasses that clearly came from the same nose. The glasses revealed how the frame choice of the lady in question evolved between the early 1970's and the early 1990's. This evolution was clearly stimulated by her increasing finances. The earliest pairs had no brand name and the frames were on the plump side. However, the third and fourth pair were masterpieces by Christian Dior and it culminated with these elegant glasses by Von Fürstenberg. The prescription of the lady in question did not change much and judging by her frame choice, she must have been in her early forties when she bought the Von Fürstenberg glasses. The Christian Dior pairs were selected for my trip to Paris but unfortunately, one box did not fit into my luggage so it had to stay at home. It would have been interesting to see Sonia in these glasses. Next time....

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