woensdag 16 maart 2016

Cat 002

The photo shoot with Cat took place just a few hours before my departure from Paris. Fortunately, there was no rain so we headed for the nearby Parc de Villemin. The immigrants had not yet left the music stage that could provide us shelter against the some of direct light but it looked as if they might be leaving soon. So Cat and I sat on a bench close to the stage, two pizza boxes and a hand mirror between us. We spent the first half hour on the bench mainly talking about the role Cat would fulfill rather than trying many glasses. It soon became obvious that Cat liked the styles of the glasses and that she trusted my selection. This was a good preparation which paid off extremely well when it was time to start the actual photo shoot.

The weather was similar to the way it was two days before when I met and worked with Sonia - overcast and quite foggy. It got better after a while but the very start of the photo shoot called for lots of editing afterwards.

The lenses in the rimless glasses shown here by Cat are really like shop windows - 65 millimeters wide and 60 millimeters high. Cat was immediately curious when she saw them so it was no surprise to me that this was the first pair used when we started shooting. These wonky glasses have been in my collection for almost fifteen years. They were previously only featured in my photo shoot with Rachel (035), an amateur model with Indonesian roots, in 2009. Several models after Rachel decided against posing in them, being of the opinion that the size was way over the top. However, Cat has an open mind and she could clearly see the fun of it.

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