vrijdag 11 maart 2016

Anna 120

An encore with a sweet smile that could make an iceberg melt.... Our job was done and this excellent triptych portrait marks the end of an all too short but great photo shoot on a splendid location. Anna is the 70th Lady behind Crystal Veil.

Seventy is called the Biblical Age but the photographer has no intention to kick the bucket soon and besides, I have over four years to go before the Biblical Age is reached. It may well become four rich years if great models keep coming my way. In fact, the project is already a couple of steps beyond seventy models so stay tuned....

A word of thanks goes to the owners of the Hotel Belta in Paris for their kind permission to use the lobby for a part of the photo shoot with Anna. I am grateful to the staff of the hotel for their support and the way they made me feel at home during my stay in Paris. I will be back as soon as possible! A good home base is essential during the hectic program when doing a series of photo shoots abroad. www.beltahotel.com/

Special thanks to Marianne and her male colleague for their kind permission to do most of the photo shoot with Anna in the beautiful fashion boutique "Antoine & Lili". The surroundings and general atmosphere contributed greatly to the results of the photo shoot. Thank you so much!

Anna is a highly experienced model and her portfolio testified to that. Twenty applications arrived for only two photo shoots and the average quality was so high that I decided to add the evening of arrival and the morning of departure. Even then, choosing four models was not easy but Anna was on my shortlist straightaway. She wrote that she had 20/20 vision without glasses or contact lenses. So a photo shoot in prescription glasses would be an entirely new experience to her. With this in mind, I sent her a detailed message about the best preparations, including outfit, make-up and so on. Anna's answer was quite brief: "Wow, that's the longest instruction I ever had!".
When Anna arrived for the photo shoot punctual in time, I was surprised by her looks. Far more beautiful than in her portfolio. She seemed younger and a bit shy. There was sadness in her eyes. We headed for the fashion boutique and after a bit of unpacking it was time for posing and snapping in front of the large double mirror. Anna looked a bit insecure when we started but gradually she got into her stride. Posing in front of a double mirror implies that the model does not have total control. She can only assess one of her two or three images. Although we started with mild prescriptions, the lenses took away some of the control. I realized that it was best to choose a gentle start and this paid off. It was great to see how many different styles suited Anna's pretty face. It was my task to keep the flow and Anna obligingly posed in one pair after the other. The boutique staff kept reassuring us that we were not in anybody's way so I felt on safe ground. We worked hard and rather fast until it was visible that my beautiful model got tired. So I suggested a good long break and we went to a nearby pub for relaxation over a big mug of coffee. When asked about the sadness in her eyes, Anna told me that some bad news had arrived in the morning. It speaks for her professional attitude that she did not cancel the photo shoot and I complimented her for that. Going back to the boutique was no longer an option so we returned to the lobby of the hotel for some more posing. But it was clear that Anna had shot her bolt so we soon called it a day. I trusted that the photos taken in the boutique would be good and this turned out to be the case.
Anna, it was great to see you dripping good looks in front of the large double mirror. Thank you for your stamina given your personal circumstances! I am grateful that you turned up and posed as best you could. It yielded some fantastic photos - a lasting souvenir from a timeless beauty. Wishing you lots of success in your modelling career!

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