woensdag 2 maart 2016

Sonia 067

The weekly photo sessions became a hype, especially during the autumn of 1888. By then, the second level of the tower was already completed. As the construction of the upper stage progressed, the young Lady of the Tower looked even more confident than she did when the photo sessions started. Some journalists started asking her questions about other topics than the tower and this would lead to heated debates about the advantages and risks of new technology. The young lady was also asked why she was never seen without her modern pince-nez and why she refused being portrayed without it. Her answer was invariably:

"Wait and see. If you live long enough, you will have sightings of umpteen ladies in pince-nez in the streets of Paris. And besides, do you think it's fair to stare at a beautiful lady who is unable to see you because she is forbidden to wear a pince-nez, even if she needs it badly? In my opinion, women should not accept such old fashioned voyeurism"

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