vrijdag 4 maart 2016

Sonia 158

Here Sonia is patiently showing us another veritable wall of glass. These Sheng Dian glasses were sent to me by Stephan from Bavaria, one of three photographers whose work was highly inspirational to me when I started my own project. The other photographers were Konstantin from Moscow and the great Alain from Paris who set the standard for everyone with an interest in portrait photography of ladies in extremely strong glasses. Unlike Stephan and Konstantin who concentrated on portraying their life partners (icon Sandra and Anna), Alain worked with at least three dozen freelance models. Alain is the only photographer in this trio who is still active in the field, doing a new photo shoot once in a while. We never met because of the travelling distance and unfortunately, the overladen work schedule during my recent weekend in Paris kept me from contacting him. I hope to meet Alain during my next visit to Paris, later this year. It will be great to exchange our experiences in model photography.

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