woensdag 2 maart 2016

Sonia 064

Allow me to introduce you to Sonia's great-great-grandmother. She was born in 1863 and dedicated to modern architecture and fashion. Well known for her unorthodox, futuristic style, this young lady attracted a lot of attention wherever she went. She was shortsighted but in contrast with most women of her generation, she was never seen anywhere without the newly invented pince-nez on her nose. It was her conviction that a woman could look great in a pince-nez if she was self assured about her looks, regardless the occasional negative comments from her ignorant contemporaries. She also was of the opinion that shortsighted women were isolating themselves voluntarily by leaving their eyewear hidden in their purse. Imagine all the opportunities lost and impressions missed out in the streets of Paris.... She was convicted that one day, eyewear would evolve into a fashion item. In short, she was way ahead of her time in many respects.
The young lady was delighted when she heard about the up coming World's Fair of 1889 and she was especially fascinated by the controversial plan to construct the highest tower in the world for the Fair. When the construction of the tower started, she spent most of her Sundays walking in its vicinity to see the progress and the growing height of the tower. Needless to say, her hyper modern pince-nez was instrumental during her sightseeing trips.

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