donderdag 3 maart 2016

Sonia 156

The answer to all our questions is that contrary to the myths told to clients by opticians, ultra thick lenses don't take away the beauty of a young lady. The Wall of Glass is puzzling the viewer when seen "en profil" but it turns out to be a blessing as the viewer reaches the "en face" vantage point. High index glasses are a gold mine for the industry and they don't really make shortsighted ladies prettier. These Zenni glasses are fitted with standard 1.57 lenses of minus twelve, the long distance prescription of my life partner Nel. Their cost? I paid less than 40 Euro for these glasses, meaning the strikingly beautiful cat eye frame plus the lenses. It's less than 5% of what you pay for striking cat eye glasses fitted with high index lenses if you stick to your shopping mall and all the fibs told by people who don't have a clue what they are talking about. The moral of the story is: be critical, do your homework well in advance and you will look attractive and self confident, knowing that you just kept a lot of money in your pocket. Are you ready to walk towards your traveling agency for a free holiday destination?
Sonia, thank you so much for your gentle, patient posing throughout this long series. Much appreciated!

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