donderdag 3 maart 2016

Sonia 113 - 114

Sonia has an excellent taste for glasses and she selects her own pairs with great care. With this in mind, I sent her a picture of the glasses from my collection that might suit her best. The glasses were packed for the trip to Paris after my selection had received Sonia's approval stamp. But the proof of the pudding is the eating and it was interesting to hear Sonia commenting on each pair with the help of a hand mirror. This was done on each of the locations where we stopped during our walk. The only time I heard Sonia say "These are ordinary glasses" was when she was checking the pair shown here. It's just as if she sensed that these were ultra cheap glasses. Nevertheless, Sonia kindly decided to give them a try. See for yourself what you think of them.

Technical note: two versions of this "en profil" portrait are posted here. The shade seen behind Sonia is not the reflection of her long dark hair. It's the arm and shoulder of a visitor leaving the table behind us. Hence the attempt (upper portrait) to edit the photo in a way that suggests a reflection of Sonia rather than a person standing up behind us.

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