woensdag 2 maart 2016

Sonia 075

"Good to hear that, thank you. May we ask, what made you shift from your favourite pince-nez to this silver face à main?"

"It's not a permanent shift. This is only a temporary choice. My pince-nez is now at the optician's and he will replace the lenses for me"

"It must be tiring for your arm to hold the face à main all day. Do you mind taking it down for a moment so that your arm can relax a bit?"

"And give you the opportunity to take a portrait of my unprotected eyes? No way"

"A silver face à main is quite an investment. And on top of that, you ordered new lenses for your pince-nez. Can you afford it?"

"I'm sorry, but my finances are none of your business. Can we change the subject and talk about changes in society?"

"Sure. Let's talk about your own changing role in society. You were seen with one of the Tower engineers last week, several times. Did he give you this expensive face à  main as a present?"

"No comment. You are intruding my privacy with these questions. Enough is enough. I hereby declare my retirement from public life"

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