woensdag 2 maart 2016

Sonia 070

Gradually, public interest in the weekly photo sessions on the bridge shifted from the progress made at the construction of the tower to the private life of the beautiful young lady. By now she was widely regarded a minor celebrity. Rumors had it that she was seen at a dinner table with one of the engineers but there was no proof and the young lady refused to go into questions based on gossip. However, she accepted answering a question about her eyesight. Keen observers noticed that the young lady seemed to have a bit of trouble when focusing on objects in the far distance, like the tower. A reporter quoted her answers to the questions about her eyesight in his newspaper:

"Yes, what you are saying about my eyesight is correct. I already went to an eye doctor for a new prescription"

"And may we ask, will you have new lenses fitted in your pince-nez or are you considering alternatives like a face à main?"

"Ah, just wait and see. I would not feel comfortable without this pince-nez. The nose bridge has to be an exact fit and this one is perfectly stable. You never see me with a chord attached to it, do you?"

"A face à main would be more compatible with your present celebrity status, don't you agree?"

"Sorry if this may sound rude but my targets in life are not about status. If I would opt for a face à main, it would be for different reasons"

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