dinsdag 1 maart 2016

Sonia 048

Sonia kept reading for a while and this gives me the opportunity to tell you about the only incident we experienced during our pleasant walk towards the Eiffel Tower. You may wonder where Sonia kept her aviator glasses when she was reading. The answer is that they suddenly went missing at some stage during our walk in the Tuileries gardens. I'm not entirely sure whether it was during the posing in this Essel series but after completing one of these series, Sonia was looking for her own glasses and she was unable to find them. After six years and working with seventy models, this was the first time a model's own glasses went missing during a photo shoot. Minus six and minus seven is a decent prescription for everyday use, in other words, it would have been impossible for Sonia to return home all by herself. For the record, there was no panic. Needless to say, Helder and I started searching straightaway but neither of us had her glasses. There was even talk about walking back to the previous location and see if the glasses were left on a bench. Instead, Sonia did another search in her pockets and eventually she found her much admired aviator glasses, buried deep down in a pocket of her winter coat. Sigh of relief....

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