maandag 22 februari 2016

Mia 004

"Thank you for asking. Well, I was at the other end of the park when I noticed an unusual change in the light, not all around me but only at one spot in the far distance. So I walked towards the light and then saw you sitting on the bench. The changes in the light seemed to come from within you and not from a light source behind you or next to you. It really puzzled me. Still does, in fact. You are human and not a chameleon. The only human beings capable to change their colours are described in Celtic fairy tales. So either you are one of the fairies or you have a special gift that may have passed on to you by the fairies. But perhaps there is a third explanation. The word colour is not precise, now that I think of it. The changes were within the same colour spectrum so perhaps it's better to say that your hue was changing. I don't know how you do it. Is it something that happens to you or can you influence it in any way? You just told me that you were practicing something"

"Well, well, Lord Lentilux.... You are a keen observer. And you are an exception to the rule. There is an Irish saying that it's always the women who ask questions, not the men. Is Lentilux your real name, by the way? I never heard of the family name Lentilux. The word is abacadabra to me. What does it mean?"

"The word Lux comes from the ancient Latin and it means Light"

"And what is Lenti? You see, I'm a woman and it's the way with the women, they ask questions"

"The word Lenti has to do with very rare, extremely strong lenses in prescription glasses. I could hold a lecture about prescription lenses but it's quite technical, perhaps even boring. Can we please get back to the questions I was asking you? Or am I asking you to reveal some sort of secret?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong. The problem is that I am aware of a special power within me but I still don't know exactly how it works"

"So you were practicing to see how it works?"

"In a way, yes. I can feel something changing in my body. Like a fever but it comes and goes quite fast. And the funny thing is that I can't see it myself. You saw it, I only felt it"

"Did you have this special gift from early childhood? Or did something extraordinary happen at some stage? Sorry for all these questions but it was really fascinating to see the changes"

"I can try to do it again if you wish. It's easier with my eyes closed but I can also do it with my eyes open. It takes more concentration because of the distraction by what I am seeing"

"Please do"

"Aren't you afraid that it might have an influence on you, standing near to me?"

"Not really. Is there a risk?"

"Not that I know of. But there are no guarantees"

"I will take my chances"

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