maandag 18 mei 2015

Nadya 025

The young lady kept looking at the horizon, checking her vision towards the pavement form time to time.

"This is an amazing experience but a bit worrying as well, Sir. The wave makes me a bit dizzy but it clears up when I look to the horizon again. Is this what they call claustrophobia?"

"In a way, yes, but you would get used to it within a few weeks"

"Like walking with a cane when you get really old?"

"Something like that, but a cane is for old people. These glasses are for everyone in their mid forties and upwards"

"Will I need glasses like these myself at that age?"

"Maybe not. It depends. You are a bit shortsighted and if it stays that way, you will notice at some stage that reading becomes difficult with your glasses on. Many people with mild short sight put their glasses on their forehead when they wish to read something"

"I see that a lot in my family and it looks a bit silly. Except for my aunt, she never took her glasses off"

"Your aunt was too shortsighted. She could only read when she held a book quite close to her eyes"

"Spot on, Sir, She did that when she was sewing and she found it hard to put the thread through a needle. This is funny. You sound as if you were around but you did not know my aunt at all"

"Be assured, I have never been to Russia in my life. But millions of ladies around the world face that thread and needle problem when they get older. Shall we move on to the next pair?"

"Yes, please"

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