woensdag 4 juni 2014

Sandra 107

This series of Sandra posing in "Exclusiv" glasses by Rodenstock was made during another interval between our work behind the tripod. My hands were more stable than they usually are during freehand shooting and this yielded some of the most picturesque photos of the entire shoot. Sandra was standing on the short but rather steep slope leading to the pond and she got stability by holding the branch of a tree. After seeing this remarkable series, the thought ran through my head that I clean forgot to bring along an identical example of these Rodenstock glasses, fitted with +4.50 lenses. Early in 2013, identical twins Nathalie and Kimberley posed for me in these identical Rodenstock glasses and the effect was fantastic. But perhaps it would have been tricky for Sandra to pose in the "plussie" pair on the slope. I will certainly keep the idea in mind for a future occasion....

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