maandag 11 november 2013

Leah 210

These glasses were a present for my life partner Nel when we were one year together, in the late spring of 2009. I often saw Nel putting on makeup, nose almost pressed against the mirror, so why not surprising her with makeup glasses? The frame had been in my collection since the late 1990's, fitted with +2.50 lenses. I brought it to Nel's optician and they fitted the frame with lenses in Nel's prescription for reading. Alas, a habit of a lifetime is hard to change. Nel simply could not get used to the makeup glasses and after a few months, she gave them back to me for my collection. The glasses were featured in four photo shoots (Rachel 150, Farishta 581, Jolien 120, and Osi in April). In August, I decided to bring the glasses over to Ireland as the majority of models had perfect or almost perfect eyesight.

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