maandag 13 juni 2016

Nefeli 121 - 123

The first time I saw these French glasses was on the nose of one of my class mates in 1967. Her name was Elisa and she hated her glasses more than any of the other girls. We had drawing lessons and each week there was the same moaning from her side: "Oh I hate my glasses but I can't do without them!". Mind you, Elisa was a stunner who looked just as good - and arguably better - in her glasses than without them. She changed schools in the summer and I never saw her again. A few months later, the first girls at school switched to contact lenses and no doubt, Elisa did the same.
Many years later I came across the French glasses shown here by Nefeli. They were lying on top in a big box filled with old glasses at the Waterlooplein flea market and I recognized them straightaway. In retrospect, they were probably not Elisa's glasses - she had a milder prescription and her lenses were not tinted - but I always call them like that because of the association with my former classmate.
Nefeli is not an Elisa lookalike, but her posing in these three photos is strikingly reminiscent of Elisa during our drawing lessons. Another time capsule....

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