woensdag 6 januari 2016

Mirjam 131

Hot Dutchies and Glühwein were served in the street for neighbors and passers-by alike. It's a nice tradition in some parts of Holland on the last day of the year. A tradition even more attractive when the two initiators are not "just GWG's" but ladies who modeled for me at the start of the photography project. Even better, both ladies delivered a splendid catwalk performance five years ago. Irma was in charge of the food, frying some 350 Dutchies and not to be outdone, my life partner Nel took care of the wine department. In short, ideal surroundings for a photo shoot in glasses.... Mirjam is warming up her right hand, posing great - and checking if her devoted photographer is making any headway with his own Glühwein.... Not to worry, Mirjam, I'm equally fast at photography and wine!

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