dinsdag 26 mei 2015

Nadya 126

Lord Lentilux handed the young lady another pair of glasses from his inexhaustible pizza box.

"I like the design and the vivid green color of this frame. Again, completely different from all the previous glasses. You have an amazing collection"

"Thank you, Nadya. I have an identical pair in brown if you prefer that color. The lenses are identical in strength with the lenses in this green pair so you can choose"

"I think I prefer these green glasses"

The young lady put them on with great care, took a few moments to give her eyes time to adjust and then looked up in the direction of her photographer.

"Adjusting to these glasses was really a piece of cake, Mr. Photographer. I may be mistaken but it seems as if these glasses are somewhere halfway the Dior pair and the strong glasses. Am I right?"

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