woensdag 27 november 2013

Colleen 057

Glasses: Gan Aimh, from Germany,  early 1990's
[L: -1.50; c-1.25 o / R: -2.25]

These green glasses were not used in any photo shoot before my journey to Ireland in August. Colleen was the first model to pose in them, followed by Leah a few days later. The photo shoot with Colleen took place on a day with a lot of damp in the atmosphere, hence the choice to stay away from the beach and find some shelter on a pub terrace. This is the only portrait from the series in the green glasses that can be shown here. The lenses in the glasses kept steaming up, no matter how often Colleen gave them a break. Finally we managed this portrait :). A few days later, Leah posed in them and there was no steam problem at all. This may have to do with weather circumstances but also with the difference in facial shape between both models. If a frame touches the model's cheeks, there is more risk that the glasses keep steaming up. Anyway, it was nice to give these green glasses a try.

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